Thank you for visiting the website of the Remnant of Judah. This website is currently under construction, and therefore the article or video you are looking for is not yet available. In the meantime, we would like to tell you about some of what we teach and what we believe.

  • We believe in the one true God of Israel. The bible warns that we should have no other God beside him, therefore we worship only Him.
  • We reject the common Christian teaching that God is a trinity, or that he has an only begotten son name Jesus. We reject the idea that Jesus is the son of God, and we totally reject the claim that he was God in the flesh. We also reject the idea that he was the messiah.
  • We believe in the holy scripture which starts with the book of Genesis and end at the book of Malachi.
  • We reject the so-called New Testament. This was added to the bible much later.
  • Since the bible was written in Hebrew, we strongly suggest learning the Hebrew language so that you will be able to read the bible in the language it was written. Bible translations such as the King James Version are filled with many errors and mistranslations.
  • We believe that God’s chosen people, the Israelites, are currently scattered all over the world as a punishment for breaking the covenant they made with him, and for constantly disobeying his laws and commandments.
  • We believe that many victims of the transatlantic slavery were Israelites, and that their descendants are currently living in places such as the United States, Jamaica, and other Caribbean countries.
  • We believe in keeping the seventh day sabbath as this was part of the covenant that we agreed to after God rescued us from Egypt.
  • We also observe the other annual holy days mentioned in the book of Leviticus chapter 23.
  • We do not observe or participate in any of the world’s holidays.
  • We observe the biblical dietary law which forbids us to eat pork and other types of unclean “foods.”
  • We reject the teachings that people will be punished in an eternal hell, and we reject the idea that anybody will go to heaven.
  • We believe that sin separates us from God, and therefore we must repent of sin, ask God’s forgiveness, and begin the process of true conversion.

If you would like more information, have a question for us, or would like to make a comment on any of our beliefs, please send us a message below.