Homelessness and hunger are more common in the United States than most of us realize. According to HUD, in 2019, close to 600,000 Americans were homeless. Homelessness and hunger go hand in hand, especially for those who suffer from chronic homelessness. The homeless who live on the street and who suffer from mental illness, physical disability or substance abuse are especially vulnerable to hunger. Many homeless people have no idea where their next meal would be coming from.

As fellow members of the human race, and as true servants of the Most High God, we are moved with compassion for those who are homeless and hungry. The Hebrew scripture implores us to feed those who are hungry: “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon” (Isa. 58:10, NLT).

We are doing our part to alleviate the burden of those who find themselves in the unfortunate position of not being able to feed themselves. We will be handing out prepared food and other supplies to the homeless every 1st and 4th Thursday each month. If there is anything you can do to help, please do not hesitate to contact us.