Join us as we commemorate the Passover. The Torah states that we must keep a memorial of this great event every year: “This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to YAH—a lasting ordinance” (Exod. 12:14).

On this night, God killed all the firstborns in the land of Egypt and rescued our fore-parents from slavery. We and our firstborns were spared because we obeyed His command to smear blood on our doorposts and hence we were “pass over.”

We will celebrate this event on the evening of DATE COMING SOON at 7pm. A free meal will be provided, followed by a worship service. If you are not a regular member and plan to attend, please fill out the form below to register. We will send you regular updates and keep you abreast of any changes. Please also ensure that you (and any guest you are bringing) read and adhere to our code of conduct.

Venue to be determined

Date coming soon